Breast cancer awareness month

5 Healthy habits females should adopt

This month, with the spotlight on breast cancer, is the perfect time to make lifestyle changes that provide your body with the right support. What should you be doing to enhance your immune system and eliminate threats to your body?

1 EAT. Ditch sugar and follow a low glycaemic diet. Excess sugar changes the way your body metabolises oestrogen. Oestrogen dominance is a risk factor for breast cancer.

2 BREATHE. Deep breathing is essential. Breathe in and out through your nose to expand the lower lobes of your lungs and activate your ‘rest-and-restore’ nervous system.

3 SLEEP. Deep, restful sleep zaps stress hormones. Switch off your laptop and TV for an hour before bedtime and aim to switch off the bedside light by 9:30 p.m.

4 EXERCISE. Another great stress buster! Walk briskly for 30 minutes every day or get to the gym for strength training, core building and stretching exercises.

5 MEDITATE. Set aside 10 minutes a day to sit quietly where you won’t be disturbed, close your eyes and let your mind be soothed and calmed.

Remember, eliminate anything that limits your health and wellbeing. Support your body, but don’t neglect your mind – resolve to deal with emotional issues like anger and resentment. For holistic wellness, access Phela’s wellness solutions and view our products and services. Contact Phela Wellness on 0800 2 B WELL 0800 22 9355) or visit