Father’s Day Message

“It is not flesh and blood but the heart which makes us fathers…” –unknown

This is a true reflection of what a father is and I’d like to wish every man in the Thebe Group a Happy Father’s Day. You are not only a father, uncle or brother to the families that you spend much of your time away from, and for this I thank you, but you are also all of that to the communities that we serve and attempt to make a difference in on a daily basis.

Very often we get embroiled in our careers and in the process miss out on some of our loved ones’ most significant life experiences that leave us with feelings of regret.  With this said, I am sincerely grateful to every man within the Thebe family for your dedication to the success of the company in spite of the sacrifices that you make daily, you are all valued members of this family.

There is nothing as wonderful as celebrating the beauty that is fatherhood.  The time and dedication that goes into raising a community of strong individuals is only possible through the will and desire to do so. I encourage each and every one of you to continue leading by example, so that as men we do not tell people how to live, but rather allow them to watch and learn from us.

Remember that, “Fathers are like candles, they make daylight out of darkness,” continue to shine your light on the world and watch it smile back at you.

Vusi Khanyile