Seeing the difference

Eye problems are very common in children. It estimated that 1 in 4 children have a vision-related condition. Left untreated, these conditions can have a serious effect on a child’s learning, development, athletic performance, and overall health. ThebeMed takes this issue seriously and with their Eye Care Programme have ensured that many visually impaired children now have the gift of seeing clearly.

Vision and eye health problems in children are quite common and can affect children in several different ways:

  • Poor vision affects learning. When a child has difficulty focusing, their learning and attention can suffer. The American Optometry Association estimates that 60% of learning disabilities are associated with vision problems.
  • Eye problems affect development. Not only can poor vision affect learning and behaviour, but some eye conditions can affect a child’s physical and neurological development.
  • Eye problems affect physical abilities and athletic performance. Vision irregularities or eye muscle imbalances can affect depth perception, leading to clumsiness, tripping, and poor hand-eye coordination.
  • Some eye conditions are life threatening. While very rare, cancerous tumors (retinoblastoma, medulloepithelioma), and diseases like congenital glaucoma and retinal disease can cause blindness and even be life-threatening.

ThebeMed’s commitment to eye care

The good news is, most childhood eye conditions can be corrected or effectively treated – especially if they are caught early. And by far the best way to identify and diagnose these problems is through a comprehensive eye exam. Unfortunately, many children who should be getting eye exams aren’t getting them. ThebeMed has been involved in bringing visual screening to communities in need.

Screenings are intended to catch patients with obvious symptoms and refer them for further assessment. ThebeMed has added value to these projects by ensuring that visually impaired learners are provided with the resource to overcome this challenge. In association with PPN, ThebeMed afforded spectacles to learners in the foundation level to increase their capability of effective learning.

ThebeMed’s broader community involvement

ThebeMed, as a medical aid scheme, is dedicated to the upliftment of communities in South Africa. Employees are passionate about ensuring sustainable development and real impact in the communities they serve. The objective is to empower communities by running meaningful projects that will have a positive impact in years to come.