Author: fd44sx

Water saving projects South Africa is facing the worst drought we’ve seen in over 40 years. In fact, things are so problematic, in the Western Cape, residents are being asked to think twice before flushing the toilet. To put an even darker perspective to our situation, according to...

Thebe ideas on urban agriculture One can never truly compare city and country life. One the one side you have convenience, and on the other you have space. Yes, that is a very simplified statement, but you get the just of it. The one thing that a lot...

Meet Nonhlanhla Mabusela As Timrite recently reappointed Nonhlanhla Mabusela as the Managing Director, it was clearly time for us to catch up with her and chat about her life, love and vision as well as Timrite. Read on to find out all you need to know about the...

Welcome to Agroprocessing We’ve recently announced that Thebe Investment Corporation acquired the majority shares in BothaRoodt, a fresh produce market agent, but what do we really know about this new avenue? Thus, to shed more light on Thebe Services, we sat down with Mr Mokgethi Tshabalala to find...

Thebe Unico Wins 2016 Toyota Supplier Award We are proud to announce that Thebe Unico (Unico Manufacturing) won the 2016 Toyota Supplier Award for Achievement in Parts & Accessories. Thebe Unico CEO, Honey Mamabolo, attended Toyota SA Motors’ 2017 Annual Business Meeting and 2016 Supplier Awards at the Durban ICC...

Inside Thebe Nigeria Many great things have been accomplished at Thebe Health, and one of these has been the expansion of Thebe Nigeria HMO (Health Maintenance Organisation). This is a very exciting venture that promises to grow into an enormous branch. It was always on the cards to expand...

Great Leaders that fought for our democracy part one A great nation is not formed in a day nor by one person alone. Our South African nation was formed by many great leaders and on the ideal that we can be better. Today, we can look back...

Ten tips to reduce your carbon footprint Your carbon footprint is the measurement of the carbon, a greenhouse gas, you produce directly and indirectly. The more wasteful your lifestyle is, the more you produce and the more harm you’re causing the environment. Now, there are many things you can...